SA’s clean energy transition shaped by female power.

18 October 2024.

‘Female power’ is shaping South Australia’s clean energy transition and the previously male-dominated energy industry as well.

This significant industry change was on full display during a panel discussion led by Professor Ross Garnaut at the Women in Energy forum in Adelaide, hosted by ElectraNet and ZEN Energy, yesterday.

Three of South Australia’s most important energy organisations – ElectraNet, the South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME) and the Office of Hydrogen Power SA – have women in their senior leadership positions. These key leaders spoke to a room full of people from across the energy sector about the guiding influence women have had on male-dominated politics and energy policy over the past decade.

“Women have been increasingly front and centre of South Australia’s clean energy transition, shaping the solutions that the state needed following the 2016 statewide blackout,” ElectraNet Chair Dr Julie Beeby said.

In 2017, while South Australia was accelerating its take up of rooftop solar, SACOME CEO Rebecca Knol alerted the government to the vital importance of storage infrastructure to ‘firm’ or stabilise the electricity grid.

“We developed what turned out to be a significant and influential policy document that emphasised the growing importance of storage in the energy debate and called for all political stakeholders to support storage options that would improve the reliability of intermittent renewable energy generation and supply in South Australia,” Ms Knol said.

“Well before the 2017 ‘tweet that changed South Australia’, ZEN had been advocating for the need for a big battery, a grid-scale battery,” the company’s Chief Financial Officer Phillipa Chen said.

“ZEN could see that if you were really going to solve South Australia’s energy problem, you needed a firming capability at grid-scale, while dealing with everything else in parallel.

“We worked with the South Australian government to develop early concepts and then things accelerated beyond imagining, when Elon Musk took up Mike Cannon-Brooke’s challenge to deliver a 100MW battery within 100 days.”

Dr Beeby joined ElectraNet in 2023 and said the $2.3 billion Project Energy-Connect link from South Australia to NSW is pivotal to delivering on the government’s accelerated 2027 renewable energy target.

“We have made it a priority at ElectraNet to have an achievable plan in place to support South Australia’s transition to 100 per cent renewable energy by 2027. We are proud to have completed construction on the South Australian component of Project EnergyConnect, which will be a transformational project for not just our state but the whole of the National Electricity Market,” she said.

Nicola McFarlane, Chief Operating Officer at the Office of Hydrogen Power SA, said the next stage of the state’s energy transition will see opportunities for regional South Australians.

“By investing in hydrogen and renewables, we’re opening doors for job creation and industry development in regional communities,” Ms McFarlane said.

Construction of a world-leading hydrogen plant at Whyalla is set to start before the end of the year.

“Harnessing our state’s abundant renewable energy at the hydrogen facility will not only help us reach our 100 per cent renewables target and help stabilise the grid, it will also pave the way for the production of green steel and green iron, establishing South Australia as a hub for sustainable manufacturing,” Ms McFarlane said.

The Women in Energy Forum was jointly hosted by ElectraNet and ZEN Energy at Immersive Light and Art (ILA), a social venture initiative, in Adelaide.

Media enquiries: Paul Sheridan, ZEN Energy, 0410 516 656,

SA’s next big battery at Solar River receives federal funding support.

04 September 2024.

Success in the first funding round of the federal government’s expanded Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) enables ZEN Energy to move quickly towards construction of its Solar River battery and solar farm, 110km north of Adelaide.

Federal Climate and Energy Minister Chris Bowen today announced ZEN’s 650MWh Solar River battery and 230MW solar farm project was chosen from among an over-subscribed first funding round.

The project will be able to dispatch up to 256MW of renewable power on demand and will add significant stability to the electricity grid as South Australia builds toward becoming 100% renewable by 2027 and a clean energy superpower through its investments in green manufacturing.

Engagement with the local community, Ngadjuri and People of the River Murray Traditional Owners and other important stakeholders has refined aspects of the project and will guide how a significant community benefits scheme is distributed.

This includes prioritising local employment and project suppliers from among First Nations-owned businesses.

Other key points:
• The Solar River project is ideally located on cleared pastoral land near the SA/NSW Interconnector and substation at Bundey, 110km north of Adelaide.
• CIS funding involves revenue underwriting for the Solar River project. This provides a safetynet that decreases financial uncertainty for investors and encourages more investment
when and where it is needed.
• ZEN has already modified the Solar River project design in response to community feedback, including relocating the planned transmission line.
• ZEN is in constructive negotiations with local Traditional Owner groups, including Ngadjuri Nation Aboriginal Corporation and Mid-Murray Aboriginal Corporation, regarding the execution of Community Benefit Agreements that will commit the Solar River project to ongoing engagement, cultural heritage management, employment, procurement and funding for the life of the project.

Quotes attributable to ZEN Energy CEO, Anthony Garnaut:

“ZEN is doing things differently and in partnership with local communities to achieve a successful renewable energy transition.

“We seek to build renewable energy projects in regions where people don’t have a reliable energy supply, and we build projects on land that has already been cleared. Designing and delivering benefits for people and nature is a clear and logical priority for local communities.”

Media contact: Paul Sheridan, 0410 516 656,

ZEN snaps up majority of supply from NSW’s latest renewable energy project.

27 August 2024.

ZEN Energy has secured a long-term agreement for the majority of solar energy to be generated at New South Wales’s recently financed energy development, the Quorn Park Hybrid Project near Parkes in the central west.

The new 10-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with renewable energy developer Enel Green Power Australia (EGPA) for the majority of the supply from its solar farm will enable ZEN to add a further 68 megawatts capacity to its existing generation portfolio, which is on track to double in 2024 to 2 TWh per annum. The transaction is financed by a group of banks including Westpac and the Bank of China.

The Quorn Park Hybrid Project, a 98 MWDC solar farm and 20 MW/40MWh battery energy storage system, achieved financial close in July and is targeted to be complete in the first half of 2026, providing clean electricity to more than 45,000 homes.

The project is located on Wiradjuri Country, approximately 10km north west of Parkes and close to the Central West Renewable Energy Zone. The project site is closer in proximity to substantial demand loads compared to many other sites being developed in NSW. The site is flat land, largely cleared and used for grazing and dryland cropping.

EGPA, a joint venture company co-owned by Enel Green Power and INPEX Renewable Energy Australia Pty Ltd, currently operates three renewable energy plants totalling 310 MW of installed capacity powered by solar. EGPA currently has a 76 MW wind project in final stages of commissioning in Western Australia and a 93 MW solar project in commissioning in Victoria.

Quotes attributable to ZEN CEO Anthony Garnaut:

“This new partnership with EGPA represents a maturing of ZEN’s eco-system of sustainability-driven renewable energy suppliers and marks a new level of relationship with our banking partners. We are now well-placed to double our generation portfolio this year to 2 TWh per annum.

“ZEN has also deliberately sought to align with projects like Quorn Park that will be positive for nature. Australia’s transition to clean electricity can be achieved in time to help drive down the country’s emissions through projects like this that also ensure our unique wildlife and biodiversity is safeguarded.”

Quotes attributable to EGPA CEO Werther Esposito:

“We’re very pleased to enter this new partnership with ZEN Energy, an Australian leader in sustainable energy solutions. Our recently announced Quorn Park Hybrid Project, our first project in New South Wales, is targeted to start construction in the coming months and be fully operational in the first half of 2026.

“We look forward to working alongside ZEN Energy and our project partners and contractors to successfully deliver a project that provides significant value to the local community and our stakeholders.”

Media enquiries:

(Enel) Sunny Rutherford, 0418 357 403,

(ZEN) Paul Sheridan, 0410 516 656,

Does climate risk lead to business reward?

21 August 2024.

Company climate action makes staff proud to stay, while no plan risks young worker exodus.

Workers will reward employers for having a climate action plan and remaining committed to improving environmental outcomes with loyalty and an enhanced reputation that attracts the best talent.

Released today, the second quarter results of ZEN Energy’s This is Transition national research project found that while there are significant benefits for companies in committing to climate action, more than a third (37%) don’t have a plan and, if there is one in place, many workers (38%) say they know little or nothing about it.

However, the survey of 1,140 Australian workers found that once informed, they wouldn’t want to work for a company that isn’t committed to emissions reduction efforts.

Additionally, 34% of younger workers (18-35 years) are willing to change jobs if a company does not demonstrate a genuine commitment to climate action, while only 8% of workers 55 years and older would change jobs.

This is Transition’s in-depth qualitative and quantitative research of where Australians work and their views of their employer’s action on climate change also found that demonstrating a genuine commitment made a company an employer of choice and is a source of pride for staff.

64% of workers say they are proud to work for an employer that takes climate change seriously, while 70% of workers at companies with no climate action plan have a negative view of their employer as a result.

Key results of This is Transition Quarter 2 research:

1. A quarter of all workers (26%) are informed about their employer’s climate change commitment and action plan. But, overall, awareness that climate action plans exist remains low.

2. There are more than double the number of climate action plans in the construction (41%) and manufacturing (32%) sectors than in education (17%) or health (10%) sectors.

3. Having a climate policy builds a positive connection between employer and employees:
• 64% agree that they are proud to work for an employer who takes climate change seriously.

• 43% would consider changing employer if they did not make a serious commitment to climate action.

• 77% of people working at companies with a climate action plan
credit their employer as being genuine about reducing emissions.

4. Among companies who say their employer does NOT take climate change seriously:
• Only 38% say their employer’s ethics align with their own.

• 21% would consider changing employer if they did not make a serious commitment to climate action.

• Only 23% say they are proud of their employer’s position on climate action.

• 70% of people working at companies with no climate action plan say their employers are not taking climate change seriously.

5. Having a plan to reduce climate emissions makes companies an employer of choice:
• 36% of all Australian workers will choose to work at a company that has a plan to reduce its climate impact over those that don’t.

• 26% of workers say they would consider changing employer if they did not make a serious commitment to reduce its carbon emissions or become carbon neutral.

6. Among the three-quarters of workers who are actively investing in Australian businesses, 40% believe a commitment to emissions reduction influences their decision to invest, while a company’s demonstrated commitment to ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) is important to 85% of investors.

Quotes attributable to Anthony Garnaut, CEO of ZEN Energy:

“This research can provide confidence for companies with a strong commitment to sustainable practices and carbon-neutrality to keep leading from the front.

“The findings of This is Transition’s second quarter study reveals there are business rewards in addition to contributing to cutting Australia’s emissions, such as staff retention, as well as attracting new, values-aligned customers and talented staff.

“At ZEN, we have grown and enjoyed success because we are a values-aligned business. Our clear goal is to focus on customers who contract 100 per cent renewable energy or are willing to embark on a journey to 100 per cent renewable energy in the next decade.”

Media enquiries: Paul Sheridan, 0410 516 656,

ZEN chosen for first round of ARENA Community Battery Grant

1 July 2024.

Community-based renewable energy solutions are key to building climate resilience, ZEN Energy CEO Anthony Garnaut said following confirmation today the company has received conditional approval of an Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) Community Battery Grant.

ZEN’s community battery project is one of 370 that ARENA has chosen to fund in its first, $143 million-dollar, round of grants. ARENA received an unprecedented amount of applications received with a total grant request of $1.3 billion.

The Community Batteries for Household Solar program will improve access to distributed battery storage for households and community organisations across Australia.

Receiving a conditional ARENA Community Battery Grant will enable projects to prove the financial and emissions reduction benefits of integrating energy storage in and around the daily lives of people, Anthony said.

“ZEN’s community battery project will help to improve community energy-independence and contribute to the knowledge necessary to become more resilient to climate damage.

“We wish to see community batteries enable cheaper, cleaner energy storage for households and businesses, and provide valuable knowledge that can be shared across Australia to fast-track the implementation of these local batteries.”

Media enquiries: Paul Sheridan, 0410 516 656,

In-depth community research reveals the challenges of change to renewable energy.

3 June 2024.

A majority of Australians, particularly younger people, place the collective benefits of action on climate change and lower electricity prices ahead of their individual concerns about the impacts of development, as Australia’s transition to renewable energy gathers pace.

This and other first results of This is Transition, a 12-month study of community opinions, values and motivations impacting the country’s shift from coal and gas-fired electricity to renewable power have today been published. The study, conducted by highly regarded research firm, Essential Research, has been commissioned by Australia’s first 1.5°C energy company, ZEN Energy.

This is Transition has also identified warning signs that public support is at risk if communication to communities about the ability of renewable technologies to replace fossil fuel generation isn’t consistent or reinforced over time.

Key findings include:

  • 57% of Australians believe the main benefits of the renewable energy transition will be meaningful action on climate change, lower energy costs and new career opportunities. Only 17% do not believe there will be any economic benefits.
  • 54% of Australians, and 61% of young Australians 18-34 years, believe meeting national commitments to cutting climate emissions and transitioning to renewable energy should be prioritised over local community concerns about project development. 52% of people aged 55 years and older believe local community concerns should be prioritised.
  • The number one concern about new energy project development is impacts on the natural environment, including wildlife (61%), while the main concern for 27% of people is visual impacts of development and transmission lines.
  • Australians believe there are two main reasons why the country’s energy transition is facing difficulties: that the technology isn’t advanced enough, and that governments haven’t provided enough leadership.
  • 53% of Australians want renewable energy developers to collaborate with and involve them in decision-making, but only 10% of people support decision-making power being handed over to communities.
  • In quantitative discussions, the majority of respondents said community consultation is often tokenistic and only a genuine partnership will result in a project being accepted by a local community.

ZEN Energy CEO Anthony Garnaut said the findings of This is Transition reinforces the challenges individual renewable projects are having and highlighted the need for consistent leadership from industry and government.

“This research demonstrates that people don’t view the transition in isolation or on a project-by-project basis. It reinforces ZEN’s focus on solutions that will secure a healthy, safe future for all.

“The findings show Australians have consultation fatigue and only genuine partnerships will earn a project a social licence. ZEN understands this is a transition that cannot afford to fail. We encourage all developers to engage early, involve people in decision-making and co-design of projects.”

Media contact: Paul Sheridan,, 0410 516 656.

ZEN partners with DGA Energy Solutions Australia to deliver green hydrogen and decarbonise Mitsubishi Corporation’s operations


23 May 2024

  • DGA Energy Solutions Australia Pty Limited (DGA), which is 100% subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation (MC), and ZEN Energy (ZEN) have executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to support DGA’s green hydrogen strategy and MC’s decarbonisation aspirations.
  • The MoU marks the extension of a partnership between DGA and ZEN to jointly deliver renewable electricity and renewable hydrogen into new sustainable value chains. The partnership leverages the strengths of ZEN in procuring, trading, and marketing 100% renewable electricity, DGA in the design and delivery of hydrogen plants and MC in trading and investment activities across a wide range of industrial value chains.
  • DGA Energy Solutions Australia Pty Ltd was founded in 2023 as a wholly owned subsidiary of MC. DGA is responsible for the development of, and investment in, MC’s renewable energy, green hydrogen, and green ammonia projects in the Oceania region.
  • ZEN Energy is the first Australian energy company committed to limiting global warming to within 1.5 degrees of pre-industrial temperatures. ZEN supplies renewable electricity to a portfolio of government and business customers across Australia, sourced from a generation portfolio comprising solar, battery storage and pumped hydro projects across Australia.

Quotes attributable to Kentaro Matsumura, Managing Director of DGA Energy Solutions Australia:

“DGA Australia aims to be a leading supplier of green hydrogen in the Oceania region, starting first with local production to meet the needs of businesses in Australia and moving to the export of hydrogen-based products from Australia to Asia.”.

“Partnering with ZEN, an early mover in the energy transition who already supplies a group of platinum customers from a scalable renewable generation platform, will enable us to move closer to our goals.”

Quotes attributable to Anthony Garnaut, CEO of ZEN Energy:

“This partnership will accelerate Australia’s journey to becoming a renewable energy superpower.”

“Australia is now the leading supplier of energy and minerals to Japan. If we are to retain this position in 2050, we need to create new, sustainable ways of producing versions of the products we currently sell to Japan.”

“We cannot do this alone. It requires partnerships with organisations like DGA and MC, who share our vision, and are willing to invest the needed effort and leverage their networks to help create new value chains.”

“DGA will join with other key partners who are committed to realising the superpower opportunity, including select state and local governments, energy infrastructure owners, and providers of the industrial services needed to build new value chains.”

ZEN Office of ZEN CEO contact: Joey Yeo, 0478 664 687,

DGA Contact: Tomohiro Sano, 048 4349 886,

Turning Western Sydney’s coal mining past into a clean energy future


11 April 2024

Sydney’s biggest water storage, Lake Burragorang, could soon help NSW take a big step toward achieving its transition to renewable energy and stabilise electricity supply at peak demand times.

ZEN Energy, Australia’s first 1.5°C energy company, is proposing to turn degraded coal industry land at Nattai on the escarpment above the lake into a clean energy powerhouse, delivering on-demand electricity to the equivalent of 500,000 homes and businesses.

At 1,000 megawatts (1GW), the Western Sydney Pumped Hydro project will be able to store and supply up to eight continuous hours of ‘firming’ energy, essential to stabilise the state’s electricity grid and power prices as it transitions to renewable energy generation.

Located 24km away from Warragamba Dam and drinking water treatment, the project will also be mostly underground: pumping water from Lake Burragorang through tunnels to a reservoir located on the former coal industry land. When demand is high, water is released to drive underground turbines and send renewable power into the electricity grid.

A $1 million per year Community Benefit Scheme will be created and the project will generate 1,500 jobs during construction and 80 operations jobs.

Coal was mined from the Burragorang Valley from 1930 to 1992 and the project site was used as a coal washery, operated by Burragorang Valley Coal, until 2001 and since then undergone rehabilitation. The Dunbier family, which owned the company, is now partnering with ZEN to turn the site’s fossil fuel past into being part of the state’s clean energy future.

Numerous studies, consultation and co-design with Traditional Owners, local residents and other stakeholders will now occur. If all approvals and a social licence are secured, construction could begin in 2027 and be operational by 2031.

Initial studies have established that the project would have no detrimental impact on water quality or cause any change to water levels in Lake Burragorang, including no flooding of the shoreline and surrounding natural environment. This was critical to securing WaterNSW’s approval for ZEN to progress the project.

“The vast water reserves of Lake Burragorang can supply Sydneysiders with clean drinking water and clean, renewable energy as well,” said ZEN CEO Anthony Garnaut.

“Large-scale energy storage projects like Western Sydney Pumped Hydro are key to keeping the lights on and energy prices in check in NSW as our coal-fired power stations age and retire over the next decade.”

“Western Sydney Pumped Hydro marks ZEN’s entry into renewable energy development in New South Wales. This is a key milestone for us as we grow and envision a 1.5-degree world for all.”

Importantly, consultation with key stakeholders, particularly Traditional Owner representatives, has already begun. These will continue as the project evolves and ZEN is seeking to co-design many aspects of the project with local residents.

“ZEN is committed to, and looking forward to, sharing and shaping the project design and its benefits with locals, Traditional Owners, Wollondilly Council, and other interested and important stakeholders,” Mr Garnaut said.


ZEN secures 200 GWh annually in 10yr offtake agreement with RATCH-Australia


8 April 2024

ZEN Energy and RATCH-Australia Corporation (RAC) have signed a 10-year agreement for 200 gigawatt-hours (GWh) annually of renewable energy from wind farms operating in NSW and South Australia.

With the addition of the long-term offtake agreement with RAC, ZEN has marked a significant milestone in its business growth, securing a total to date of 1.5TWh per annum of contracted solar and wind PPAs, and a deeper expansion into NSW.

The new 10-year offtake agreement includes:

  • 20.6 per cent of the generation and LGCs from RAC’s 226.8MW Collector Wind Farm, NSW, delivering approximately 110 GWh per annum.
  • 100 per cent of the generation and LGCs from RAC’s 33MW Starfish Hill Wind Farm at Cape Jervis, South Australia, delivering approximately 90 GWh per annum.

Collector Wind Farm is RAC’s first project in NSW and the largest wind farm that the company has built in Australia. The wind farm consists of 54 turbines and collectively produces 528GWh each year, which is capable of powering 80,000 NSW homes and saves close to 320,000 tonnes of CO2 emission each year.

Starfish Hill was the first major wind farm built in South Australia in 2003.

Quotes attributable to ZEN CEO, Anthony Garnaut:

“RATCH-Australia is an outstanding example of the sustainability-driven businesses that ZEN is seeking to partner with as part of an eco-system of renewable energy suppliers.

“Bilateral power offtake agreements between retailers such as ZEN and renewable project owners like RATCH-Australia are creating significant and growing demand for utility-scale wind, as well as solar, energy in Australia.”

Quotes attributable RATCH-Australia Corporation CEO, Sahachthorn Putthong:

“There is a strong synergy between RATCH-Australia and ZEN and we look forward to working together in the long term.

“We have shared aims to continue to grow as leading value-orientated energy companies in Australia, similar cultures of caring for the communities in which we operate and commitment to driving emissions reduction.”




22 March 2024

Australia’s first 1.5°C energy company has successfully completed its debt capital raising. The outcome confirms increasing interest and confidence among high net worth and institutional investors in ZEN’s business strategy.

ZEN’s ambitious growth plans have been supported by organisations including private debt investment manager Longreach Credit Investors, ethical superannuation fund Future Group, ASX listed financial service provider Income Asset Management (IAM), leading WA property investment firm Hesperia, Samuel Terry Asset Management and impact investors.

ZEN closed Tranche A of the capital program at $54M in September 2023. The successful conclusion of the Tranche B capital raising closed the overall program at $160M. This comes just after ZEN’s announcement that it has reached financial close on its 100% owned energy storage asset, a 111-megawatt, 291 megawatt-hour battery located at Templers, 60km north of Adelaide.

A third of the funds raised were from existing investors, shareholders, and employees, demonstrating the depth of support for ZEN’s business model.

Investor confidence in ZEN enables the business to continue to pursue its ambitious growth plans, which centre around enabling large energy users to reduce their carbon footprint in an efficient manner.

Quotes attributable to ZEN’s CEO, Anthony Garnaut:
“We welcome the latest group of institutional and impact investors, including Longreach and Future Group, into ZEN’s ecosystem of partners with aligned sustainability goals.

“Meeting our capital raising goal means we can continue to scale our business model, including by taking the next step in building out our portfolio of renewable energy and storage assets.

“With this injection of capital, ZEN will also be able to scale our existing and attract new sustainability driven customers, accelerating their journey to the zero carbon future.”

Quotes attributable to Longreach Credit Investors Chief Commercial Officer, Alex Nisbet: “Longreach Credit Investors is pleased to have supported ZEN in this debt raising. ZEN is well positioned to be a key player in driving the renewable energy transition in Australia and is another example of the high-quality Australian businesses and management teams that we seek to partner with.”

Quotes attributable to Future Group Executive Director Investments, Sharon Davis:
“Future Group injected $30M of capital into ZEN Energy, enabling the business to retain 100 per cent ownership of its first major asset, the 291-megawatt-hour Templers Battery in regional South Australia.

“Using superannuation’s $3.4 trillion can unlock climate solutions and investments. Zen Energy’s ESG-driven business reflects the values of Future Group’s, leading the investment movement to advocate for a future worth retiring into.”

Quotes attributable to Income Asset Management (IAM) Executive Director – Debt Capital, Tim Smith:
“IAM is a proud supporter of ZEN’s ambitious renewable energy strategy and have been delighted to be a joint lead manager on this transaction. We believe it is a significant milestone in the context of Australia’s rapidly evolving private credit market. This transaction is a testament to the ZEN management team and a large step toward achieving its long-term aspiration of becoming an investment grade issuer.”

Media contact:

Paul Sheridan
0410 516 656