Agents of change
The event had 500 participants and speakers attending, coming from a broad range of private, global and government organisations
Approx. 250 trees
will be planted including a donation from ZEN for The Forktree Project from each vote. These trees will absorb 41,000+ kgs of carbon dioxide (CO2)
1.5°C commitment
According to the voters, Australia should show leadership by ensuring our targets are in line with a 1.5°C emissions trajectory


Australia’s Sustainability Leaders have their say. Download our White Paper to see the voting process and results. Together, we are leading communities into the zero-carbon world.
ZEN Energy invited attendees at the Sustainability Leaders Summit in Australia in March 2023 to cast their votes across a range of six actions that Australia could take to improve our chances of meeting our carbon emissions reduction targets.

Issues voted on:

  • Increase the Renewable Energy Target (RET) to 82% renewables by 2030
  • It’s time to develop a domestic manufacturing capacity for solar, wind, and batteries
  • Australia should commit to a 1.5°C science-based emissions trajectory
  • We need a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
  • We must support, at all levels, the development of our green hydrogen industry
  • Now is the time to impose a light vehicle emission standard

For every vote that was cast, ZEN Energy committed a tree to be planted by The Forktree Project in South Australia. The Forktree Project is a registered charity whose goal is to return a degraded 133 acre former pastoral property in South Australia’s Fleurieu Peninsula back to nature.

ZEN has committed to plant 250 trees as a result of the Sustainability Leaders Summit.

We will keep working consistently on its purpose of leading communities into the zero-carbon world.

ZEN Energy CEO
Anthony Garnaut
My argument is that voluntary action has been remarkably successful recently at kick-starting positive change, but to finish the job we need our government to mandate further action…There’s a simple solution here, which is to embrace mandatory targets. Don’t shut down the market for renewable certificates and ramp up the Renewable Energy Target to 82% by 2030. The business case then stacks up, technology and capital get to work, and we get to 43% by 2030, or thereabouts.

The Forktree Project


17 kW
of solar energy
27 kWh
of battery storage
Approx. 300
trees planted on ZEN’s Volunteering Day
Forktree is a pioneering environmental project that is bringing nature back to South Australia’s beautiful Fleurieu Peninsula.

The Forktree Project is a registered charity initiated by Tim Jarvis AM, an environmental scientist, author, filmmaker, adventurer, and public speaker taking practical steps on climate change.

Tim is restoring tens of thousands of native trees and shrubs on the property, bringing back native animals, insects, and birds, and sequestering tens of thousands of tonnes of carbon.

Australia has one of the greatest opportunities available in the world when it comes to revegetating unused land. The Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia is a perfect place to do this, given the richness of its natural habitat and proximity to a significant population centre.

Tim advocates to return 30% of the world’s agricultural land to its original state and the Forktree Project is an example of how this can be done.

Here’s how we’ve partnered with Tim to help deliver The Forktree Project.

  • Forktree Campaign: ZEN donated $300 from every residential solar or battery storage energy system sold during the campaign period to help fund a renewable energy solution built on the Forktree site;
  • ZEN donated a solar system and battery storage, with two already installed, enabling Tim to store 27kWh of reusable green energy for the project’s operations. They are now the heart of the project.
  • Recently, the Adelaide team got their hands dirty, experiencing what it feels like to be immersed in this project.

This is a significant step to leading communities into the zero-carbon world.

Forktree Project Founder
Tim Jarvis AM
“We really need to urgently address the issues of climate change and biodiversity loss and live in harmony with the planet. That means living within the boundaries of the planet.”



214 GWh
of electricity per year
150,000 Tonnes
of CO2 reduction
Over 2.4 Million
Trees For 10 years
25 councils making a difference in New South Wales
Together with the Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC), we are delivering one of the largest renewable energy contracts for local governments, anywhere in Australia.

ZEN Energy will provide electricity to 25 councils in NSW, with 19 of them opting for 100% renewable and 83% of the total electricity will be supplied from solar farms.

This project involves the supply of electricity to over 300 major council facilities, powering more than 210,000 streetlights and more than 3000 small sites managed by councils. The 25 participating councils collectively represent over 3 million people, which is almost 38% of NSW population.

The deal will commence in 2022 and run until 2026, with an option to extend to 2030.

This is a remarkable deal and a significant step to lead our communities into the zero-carbon world.

Chief Executive Officer, SSROC.
Helen Sloan
“Councils are the closest layer of government to their communities. Everything that they do is driven by what the communities perceive as being the highest priority and the community is demanding change.”
Mayor of North Sydney Council
Zoē Baker
“People are really thrilled because it feels as if the council is reflecting the wishes and the aspirations of our community.”
Mayor of Randwick Council
Dylan Parker
“Hopefully this deal will serve as an example to councils, governments and communities right across the country saying look, you can go green, but you can do it a cost-effective way that works for everybody.”
Mayor of Woollahra Council
Susan Wynne
“I love the fact that we are actually leading the way. It is also that sense of pride that the residents have.”


Sundrop farms

Our part of Sundrop Farms’ story

Grid Electricity Supply
ZEN Energy is proud to supply the energy Sundrop Farms requires from the grid.

ZEN Energy provides energy to Sundrop farms and are working with them on their long term sustainability goals.

Sundrop farms grow and supply all the truss tomatoes to Coles in Australia. When considering how to establish the operation they set out to rethink and repurpose how farming works, with the aim to lower environmental impact by replacing fossil fuel usage. They use concentrated solar power to control the atmosphere within the greenhouse for heating and cooling. The farm has a heavily computerised system to manage the climate the shading. Concentrated solar power replaces the majority of the conventional heating system.

ZEN Energy is proud to be supplying the grid electricity that Sundrop Farms requires to power their sustainable farming operations.

Chief Executive Officer
Steve Marafiote
“The energy component was very important when we established the operations”

ST John’s Grammar

Roof-top solar system
100,000 kg
Carbon emissions saved in the first year
Energy from the grid
The extra energy St John’s Grammar requires from the grid is supplied by ZEN.

ZEN Energy worked with the school to deliver their environmental goals with rooftop solar. They have 456 panels and the three systems combined are 130kW. As a result, St John’s Grammar School provides a more sustainable and environmentally conscious environment for their students, teaching staff, and community.

In 2018 ZEN Energy became the energy retailer for St John’s Grammar School, supplying the complimentary energy required from the grid creating a holistic energy partnership.

In 2021 St John’s Grammar School joined the Solar Schools program to gain greater visibility of their energy generation and consumption and to educate their students about solar. Solar Schools provides curriculum-aligned lessons and learning experiences using actual live data.

By partnering with ZEN Energy, St John’s significantly reduced their operating costs while being environmentally and economically sustainable. This allows the School to redirect funds into value and positive initiatives for their students, like Solar Schools.

Co-ordinator Junior School Life
Bronwyn Sharpe
“Powerful education is education that is relevant and authentic. One of the reasons we were attracted to Solar Schools is that children can visually see what we are currently generating and consuming.”
Property Manager
Arthur Galantomos
We take sustainability seriously at St John’s Grammar. We looked at what we can do as a community to reduce our environmental impact, and rooftop solar was one of the major initiatives we introduced.

Nevertire Solar farm

The 132MW Nevertire Solar Farm
ZEN Energy acknowledges the Wiradjuri people, traditional custodians of the land on which Nevertire Solar Farm stands. We recognise their continuing connection to Country and culture.

The 132MW Nevertire Solar Farm is located near Warren in northwest New South Wales. The Nevertire Solar Farm was initially developed by Epuron and Island Green Power and was purchased in mid-2018 by Elliott Green Power Limited. Elliott Green Power is a wholly owned subsidiary of US Elliott Investment Management. The farm was constructed in Nevertire for the region’s excellent solar irradiation and proximity to a strong electricity network.

The construction of Nevertire Solar Farm took place during a major drought in NSW, providing a welcome boost to the local Warren community. Using local labour and contractors delivered a considerable economic uplift to the community during a difficult period.

The solar plant began operating in December 2019 and generates approximately 265,000 MWh of renewable electricity annually. Nevertire produces enough electricity to power around 42,000 homes with green energy, making a significant contribution to Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction.

The local community

During construction, a key focus was on hiring from within the local community with specific opportunities related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities.

The project utilised local quarries, concrete suppliers, contractors, surveyors, geotechnical engineering companies, hire equipment, fuel supplies and on-site amenities. The farm provided work for approx—400 people from the region.

The project was completed with support from the local Orana people.

Co-ordinator Junior School Life
Bronwyn Sharpe
“Powerful education is education that is relevant and authentic. One of the reasons we were attracted to Solar Schools is that children can visually see what we are currently generating and consuming.”
Property Manager
Arthur Galantomos
We take sustainability seriously at St John’s Grammar. We looked at what we can do as a community to reduce our environmental impact, and rooftop solar was one of the major initiatives we introduced.

Numurkah Solar farm

NEOEN has contracted 60% of the farms output to ZEN Energy

“ZEN Energy acknowledges the Yorta Yorta people, traditional custodians of the land on which Numurkah Solar Farm stands. We recognise their continuing connection to country and culture.”

The Numurkah Solar Farm, at 128 MW, is the largest in Victoria. The farm is located 6km south of Numurkah in Northern Victoria, a location with that rare combination of plentiful sunlight and proximity to transmission lines. Neoen owns and operates the solar farm, and Downer provides on-site operations and maintenance services. Downer was also the engineering, procurement and design (EPC) contractor for the solar farm. Construction began in October 2018 and was completed just nine months later in July 2019.

ZEN Energy uses the Numurkah Solar Farm to supply 100% renewable electricity to the CSIRO’s Victorian sites. In an agreement with Neoen and the Victorian Government, Numurkah Solar Farm also helps power the Melbourne Tram Network.

 Victoria’s Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change.
The Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio,
“The Numurkah Solar Farm will play an important role in supporting the transformation of our energy network towards clean, renewable energy and reaching our renewable energy target of 50 per cent by 2030.”


JCDecaux Takes Sustainability Seriously

JCDecaux is the number one out-of-home media company worldwide, with more than one million advertising panels in more than 80 countries and more than 13,000 employees. They strive to deliver exceptional experiences for brands, partners and their people. Their purpose is to connect brands with communities and enrich urban life.

JCDecaux was the first Out-of-Home Media company to join the RE100 initiative, re-affirming its commitment to the climate and renewable energies. As part of this commitment, they have set bold targets and aim to reach RE100 certification by 2022.

ZEN Energy worked with the team on an approach that has helped them achieve these targets. We developed a simple and transparent, 100% renewable contract structure, through the purchase of Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs).

Production Transit & Sustainability Director
Jose Sanz
Working with ZEN, JCDecaux Australia and New Zealand is really showing how cost-effective solutions can be and that the gold standard can be achieved from a sensible budget.