SA’s next big battery at Solar River receives federal funding support.

04 September 2024.

Success in the first funding round of the federal government’s expanded Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) enables ZEN Energy to move quickly towards construction of its Solar River battery and solar farm, 110km north of Adelaide.

Federal Climate and Energy Minister Chris Bowen today announced ZEN’s 650MWh Solar River battery and 230MW solar farm project was chosen from among an over-subscribed first funding round.

The project will be able to dispatch up to 256MW of renewable power on demand and will add significant stability to the electricity grid as South Australia builds toward becoming 100% renewable by 2027 and a clean energy superpower through its investments in green manufacturing.

Engagement with the local community, Ngadjuri and People of the River Murray Traditional Owners and other important stakeholders has refined aspects of the project and will guide how a significant community benefits scheme is distributed.

This includes prioritising local employment and project suppliers from among First Nations-owned businesses.

Other key points:
• The Solar River project is ideally located on cleared pastoral land near the SA/NSW Interconnector and substation at Bundey, 110km north of Adelaide.
• CIS funding involves revenue underwriting for the Solar River project. This provides a safetynet that decreases financial uncertainty for investors and encourages more investment
when and where it is needed.
• ZEN has already modified the Solar River project design in response to community feedback, including relocating the planned transmission line.
• ZEN is in constructive negotiations with local Traditional Owner groups, including Ngadjuri Nation Aboriginal Corporation and Mid-Murray Aboriginal Corporation, regarding the execution of Community Benefit Agreements that will commit the Solar River project to ongoing engagement, cultural heritage management, employment, procurement and funding for the life of the project.

Quotes attributable to ZEN Energy CEO, Anthony Garnaut:

“ZEN is doing things differently and in partnership with local communities to achieve a successful renewable energy transition.

“We seek to build renewable energy projects in regions where people don’t have a reliable energy supply, and we build projects on land that has already been cleared. Designing and delivering benefits for people and nature is a clear and logical priority for local communities.”

Media contact: Paul Sheridan, 0410 516 656,

ZEN snaps up majority of supply from NSW’s latest renewable energy project.

27 August 2024.

ZEN Energy has secured a long-term agreement for the majority of solar energy to be generated at New South Wales’s recently financed energy development, the Quorn Park Hybrid Project near Parkes in the central west.

The new 10-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with renewable energy developer Enel Green Power Australia (EGPA) for the majority of the supply from its solar farm will enable ZEN to add a further 68 megawatts capacity to its existing generation portfolio, which is on track to double in 2024 to 2 TWh per annum. The transaction is financed by a group of banks including Westpac and the Bank of China.

The Quorn Park Hybrid Project, a 98 MWDC solar farm and 20 MW/40MWh battery energy storage system, achieved financial close in July and is targeted to be complete in the first half of 2026, providing clean electricity to more than 45,000 homes.

The project is located on Wiradjuri Country, approximately 10km north west of Parkes and close to the Central West Renewable Energy Zone. The project site is closer in proximity to substantial demand loads compared to many other sites being developed in NSW. The site is flat land, largely cleared and used for grazing and dryland cropping.

EGPA, a joint venture company co-owned by Enel Green Power and INPEX Renewable Energy Australia Pty Ltd, currently operates three renewable energy plants totalling 310 MW of installed capacity powered by solar. EGPA currently has a 76 MW wind project in final stages of commissioning in Western Australia and a 93 MW solar project in commissioning in Victoria.

Quotes attributable to ZEN CEO Anthony Garnaut:

“This new partnership with EGPA represents a maturing of ZEN’s eco-system of sustainability-driven renewable energy suppliers and marks a new level of relationship with our banking partners. We are now well-placed to double our generation portfolio this year to 2 TWh per annum.

“ZEN has also deliberately sought to align with projects like Quorn Park that will be positive for nature. Australia’s transition to clean electricity can be achieved in time to help drive down the country’s emissions through projects like this that also ensure our unique wildlife and biodiversity is safeguarded.”

Quotes attributable to EGPA CEO Werther Esposito:

“We’re very pleased to enter this new partnership with ZEN Energy, an Australian leader in sustainable energy solutions. Our recently announced Quorn Park Hybrid Project, our first project in New South Wales, is targeted to start construction in the coming months and be fully operational in the first half of 2026.

“We look forward to working alongside ZEN Energy and our project partners and contractors to successfully deliver a project that provides significant value to the local community and our stakeholders.”

Media enquiries:

(Enel) Sunny Rutherford, 0418 357 403,

(ZEN) Paul Sheridan, 0410 516 656,

Does climate risk lead to business reward?

21 August 2024.

Company climate action makes staff proud to stay, while no plan risks young worker exodus.

Workers will reward employers for having a climate action plan and remaining committed to improving environmental outcomes with loyalty and an enhanced reputation that attracts the best talent.

Released today, the second quarter results of ZEN Energy’s This is Transition national research project found that while there are significant benefits for companies in committing to climate action, more than a third (37%) don’t have a plan and, if there is one in place, many workers (38%) say they know little or nothing about it.

However, the survey of 1,140 Australian workers found that once informed, they wouldn’t want to work for a company that isn’t committed to emissions reduction efforts.

Additionally, 34% of younger workers (18-35 years) are willing to change jobs if a company does not demonstrate a genuine commitment to climate action, while only 8% of workers 55 years and older would change jobs.

This is Transition’s in-depth qualitative and quantitative research of where Australians work and their views of their employer’s action on climate change also found that demonstrating a genuine commitment made a company an employer of choice and is a source of pride for staff.

64% of workers say they are proud to work for an employer that takes climate change seriously, while 70% of workers at companies with no climate action plan have a negative view of their employer as a result.

Key results of This is Transition Quarter 2 research:

1. A quarter of all workers (26%) are informed about their employer’s climate change commitment and action plan. But, overall, awareness that climate action plans exist remains low.

2. There are more than double the number of climate action plans in the construction (41%) and manufacturing (32%) sectors than in education (17%) or health (10%) sectors.

3. Having a climate policy builds a positive connection between employer and employees:
• 64% agree that they are proud to work for an employer who takes climate change seriously.

• 43% would consider changing employer if they did not make a serious commitment to climate action.

• 77% of people working at companies with a climate action plan
credit their employer as being genuine about reducing emissions.

4. Among companies who say their employer does NOT take climate change seriously:
• Only 38% say their employer’s ethics align with their own.

• 21% would consider changing employer if they did not make a serious commitment to climate action.

• Only 23% say they are proud of their employer’s position on climate action.

• 70% of people working at companies with no climate action plan say their employers are not taking climate change seriously.

5. Having a plan to reduce climate emissions makes companies an employer of choice:
• 36% of all Australian workers will choose to work at a company that has a plan to reduce its climate impact over those that don’t.

• 26% of workers say they would consider changing employer if they did not make a serious commitment to reduce its carbon emissions or become carbon neutral.

6. Among the three-quarters of workers who are actively investing in Australian businesses, 40% believe a commitment to emissions reduction influences their decision to invest, while a company’s demonstrated commitment to ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) is important to 85% of investors.

Quotes attributable to Anthony Garnaut, CEO of ZEN Energy:

“This research can provide confidence for companies with a strong commitment to sustainable practices and carbon-neutrality to keep leading from the front.

“The findings of This is Transition’s second quarter study reveals there are business rewards in addition to contributing to cutting Australia’s emissions, such as staff retention, as well as attracting new, values-aligned customers and talented staff.

“At ZEN, we have grown and enjoyed success because we are a values-aligned business. Our clear goal is to focus on customers who contract 100 per cent renewable energy or are willing to embark on a journey to 100 per cent renewable energy in the next decade.”

Media enquiries: Paul Sheridan, 0410 516 656,

SBS commits to 10-year renewable energy power purchase agreement with ZEN Energy.

1 August 2024.

The SBS-ZEN Energy wind power partnership provides price certainty for SBS and establishes a model for de-carbonising the media industry.

SBS, Australia’s most diverse broadcaster, is now also Australia’s first 100 per cent renewable media organisation.

ZEN Energy will supply SBS’s New South Wales and Victoria-based operations with 100 per cent renewable energy over the next 10 years with Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) uniquely paired with the 226.8MW Collector Wind Farm in NSW.

SBS is the first Australian media organisation to switch to 100 per cent renewable energy in FY23. This commitment will now be achieved over the long term through the 10-year agreement with ZEN.

SBS has set the most ambitious target of any Australian media outlet, to reach Net Zero across scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2045. SBS has also partnered with Scope3 to measure emissions from advertising technology, affording advertising clients greater transparency of carbon emissions from their advertising campaigns.

ZEN was Australia’s first energy company to commit to the global Science-based Targets initiative for corporate action on climate change. SBS has also applied to have its Net Zero targets validated by the initiative.

RATCH-Australia’s Collector Wind Farm commenced full operations in 2021 and consists of 54 turbines collectively producing 528GWh each year, capable of powering 80,000 NSW homes and saving close to 320,000 tonnes of CO2 emission each year. The wind farm project has also involved an industry-leading community benefit sharing scheme.

Quotes attributable to SBS Chief Financial Officer, Nitsa Niarchos:

“SBS is proud to lead the way in the media industry by committing to 100% renewable energy. Our partnership with ZEN Energy underscores our commitment to sustainability and sets a new standard for reducing carbon emissions in media. Our goal is to inspire others in the industry to take meaningful steps towards a greener future.”

Quotes attributable to SBS Head of Sustainability, Abigail Thomas:

“This 10-year agreement with ZEN Energy through wind power ensures that SBS’s commitment to carbon reduction is not just a short-term initiative but a long-term strategy. By securing a decade of 100% renewable energy, we are taking significant steps towards our Net Zero targets and demonstrating our dedication to sustainability efforts and innovation in Australia’s media sector.”

Quotes attributable to ZEN Energy CEO, Anthony Garnaut:

“SBS is already an industry leader in community engagement and a champion of diversity. ZEN is honoured to be able to now assist SBS deepen its connections to Australians by becoming an industry leader in climate action.”

“As part of our responsibilities under the Science-Based Targets Initiative, ZEN has voluntarily committed to reduce its scope 3 (sold electricity) emissions. This means we are partnering with our customers to transition their contracts to 100 per cent renewable electricity, and we’ve committed to only sign new contracts where 100 per cent renewable is achieved within the contract period.”

For further information, please contact:

Guy Podmore | | 0409 942 831
Paul Sheridan | | 0410 516 656

ZEN Energy signs MOU with Magnetite Mines Ltd (ASX:MGT) for Green Iron in South Australia.


18 July 2024.



  • Magnetite Mines has signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding with ZEN Energy, an Australian renewable energy company.
  • Both companies have shared interests in the development of a Green Iron industry in South Australia, for which the two enabling inputs are premium-grade magnetite concentrates and abundant renewable energy.
  • The MOU forms the basis on which Magnetite Mines and ZEN Energy will work together to negotiate one or more binding transactions with the following possible elements:- energy offtake agreement between Magnetite Mines and one or more of ZEN’s Energy projects, and/or related infrastructure sharing or leasing agreements between assets owned by ZEN Energy and Magnetite Mines; and
    – farm-in, offtake, co-venturing or partnering arrangements between Magnetite Mines and ZEN Energy in connection with the Razorback Project;
    – participation in future Green Iron projects.

Magnetite Mines Chief Executive Officer, Tim Dobson said:

“We are very pleased to formalise a working relationship with ZEN Energy via this MOU. ZEN’s South Australian renewable energy projects are located near our Razorback Project. Our companies share a common vision for the development of a Green Iron industry in South Australia, underpinned by Razorback’s magnetite concentrates and ZEN’s renewable energy.

“By positioning itself to export Green Iron to the world, South Australia can embody its renewable energy advantage into an increasingly valuable and desired low-carbon export product and in doing so, secure a major new economic opportunity for generations to come.”

ZEN Energy Chief Executive Officer, Anthony Garnaut said:

“ZEN’s collaboration with Magnetite Mines represents a new load bigger than Olympic Dam to connect to the grid before the end of the decade. ZEN seeks to play a leadership role in bringing together the needed firmed renewable generations to enable this significant development as well as the corresponding value chain in enabling Green Iron production in South Australia, particularly around Port Pirie.

“The collaboration between ZEN and Magnetite Mines in enabling new value chains to realise Green Iron production in South Australia demonstrates that the Superpower vision for Australia can become a reality, and at a market competitive cost.”

Magnetite Mines Limited (ASX:MGT) is pleased to announce the signing of a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ZEN Energy Pty Ltd, an Australian renewable energy company with projects in South Australia located near MGT’s Razorback Iron Ore Project.

The Agreement provides the framework under which the parties will work together to negotiate one or more binding transactions relating to the development and energy provision for the Razorback Project, as well as collaboration on the development of possible future Green Iron production projects in South Australia.

Memorandum of Understanding

The MOU provides the framework for collaboration between the two companies regarding the development of Magnetite Mines’ Razorback Iron Ore Project, having regard to:

1. project development planning and execution;
2. staged funding requirements, options and commitments;
3. project level farm-in and farm-out options and arrangements;
4. project level co-venturing opportunities;
5. opportunities to share knowledge, expertise and human resources;
6. offtake arrangements for energy and/or magnetite concentrates, or infrastructure sharing or leasing arrangements between assets owned by ZEN Energy and Magnetite Mines;
7. opportunities to partner with, solicit support from, or otherwise coordinate activities with, State and Federal governments; and
8. “Green Iron” project development at Port Pire, including consortium-based approaches with others, to potentially include:

a. Pellet plant development for pellet export and/or Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) plant supply;
b. DRI/Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) plant development;
c. Hydrogen plant development (for use in DRI/HBI production); and
d. Rail, port and logistics development.

If the MOU does not lead to a binding transaction between the two parties, it will expire in July 2025.

South Australia’s Green Iron Opportunity

At present, the main “Green Iron” processes being pursued utilise renewable energy and hydrogen to convert iron ore into iron. The processes involve the reduction of very high-grade, low-impurity iron ore (magnetite concentrates) to iron using hydrogen gas, followed by the conversion of iron into steel using an electric arc furnace (EAF). These processes eliminate the need for coal in iron production, offering a sustainable steelmaking solution for the future.

South Australia is in a unique position to benefit from these innovative technologies. The state has access to abundant renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power and the capacity to build even greater renewable energy capacity. Green Iron production for export creates an opportunity for South Australia to diversify the state economy while reducing the carbon footprint of steel production globally.

South Australia has recognised the importance of green hydrogen and green iron, and has developed a plan to establish the state as a leader in this field. Recently, the state government commenced an Expression of Interest process with the objective of having Australia’s first Green Iron production facility in development by 2030. Both Magnetite Mines and ZEN Energy are participating in the EoI process.


Magnetite Mines Ltd is an ASX-listed iron ore company focused on the development of magnetite iron ore resources in the highly prospective Braemar iron region of South Australia. The Company has a 100% owned Mineral Resource of 6 billion tonnes of iron ore and is developing the Razorback Iron Ore Project, located 240km from Adelaide, to meet accelerating market demand for premium iron ore products created by iron & steel sector decarbonisation, with the potential to produce high-value Direct Reduction (DR) grade concentrates. Razorback is set to become a very long-life iron ore project with expansion optionality in a tier 1 jurisdiction that will produce a superior iron ore product sought by steelmakers globally. For more information visit

This announcement has been authorised for release to the market by the Board

For further information contact:
Gemma Brosnan, General Manager – External Affairs
+61 8 8427 0516


Where the Company references previously disclosed exploration results, Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve estimates and ASX announcements made previously, it confirms that the relevant JORC Table 1 disclosures are included with them and that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in those ASX announcements and in the case of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in the announcements continue to apply and have not materially changed.

ZEN Statement – Global Technical Outage


19 July 2024

ZEN Energy is aware of a global technical outage relating to 3rd party software, which has impacted many participants globally.

At this stage, ZEN Energy & its related systems continue to function as normal.

ZEN Energy will continue to review systems and work with industry whilst the matter is resolved.


Media Contact: Paul Sheridan | 0410 516 656 |