Knowledge Up, Carbon Down

Welcome to the Knowledge Up, Carbon Down series.
We want you to master the transformation to renewable energy in Australia, leading communities into the
zero-carbon world with ZEN. Click play and learn more about the Energy industry terms.


EPISODE 3 – Carbon Emissions


Hi everyone. Welcome to Knowledge Up, Carbon Down. Today is our third episode, and we will be talking about Carbon Footprints.

A carbon footprint is the amount of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions produced by a business through direct and indirect activity. When a business considers its carbon footprint, it will group its emissions into three different categories or scopes, as per the Green House Gas (GHG) Protocol:

  • Scope 1 is the direct or controlled emissions through business activities. Examples of this could include a gas fire furnace or emissions associated with company vehicles.
  • Scope 2 is the indirect emissions through the purchase of electricity.
  • Scope 3 emissions are those tricky ones. It is emissions that are influenced, but not controlled by a business. Some of these examples could be the transportation of raw materials that goes into your product. It could be employee commutes and business travel.

A carbon footprint will measure a business’s current consumption, and then you will be able to implement a plan to reduce this over time. It will also highlight your largest emissions source, which means that you can target that one first to create the greatest impact.

At ZEN Energy, we are committed to reducing our scope 1 and 2 emissions down to zero by the end of 2023, so this year. We will also be going to reduce our scope 3 emissions in line with our commitment to being a 1.5-degree retailer as per the Science Based Targets initiative. To find out more about what ZEN Energy is doing, please see the link to our ESG Report at the bottom of this video. So just to recap, a carbon footprint is the green house gas emissions produced by a business through their indirect and direct activity and it can be defined as Scope 1, 2 or 3.

Thank you. I hope you enjoyed this video and give us a thumbs up if you do!