SEEK moves to 100% renewable energy with ZEN Energy


13 January 2024

SEEK’s Australian operations will be 100% powered by renewable energy in a new partnership with ZEN Energy. From July 2024, the partnership will see SEEK’s domestic operations supplied by renewable energy from three wind farms in regional Victoria. SEEK has also committed to purchase further renewable energy certificates each year, which will contribute to reducing its energy emissions across its international operations in New Zealand, Asia and Latin America.

The Renewable Energy Certificates, which are traceable under Australia’s Renewable Energy Target program and overseen by the Australian government’s Clean Energy Regulator, support SEEK’s Climate Active certification and goal of achieving net zero emissions.

“SEEK’s target is to achieve net zero across all emissions scopes by 2030. We are also committed to 40% emissions reduction across all scopes by 2025. Partnering with ZEN Energy to transition to renewable energy across our office operations will be a significant step towards achieving these goals” said Kate Koch, SEEK’s Chief Financial Officer.

As a result of switching to 100% renewable energy and purchasing renewable energy certificates, SEEK is supporting Australia’s transformation to a net-zero economy and will be reducing its carbon impact by approximately 1,000 tonnes of CO2e annually.

In addition to SEEK’s commitment across their office operations, Cremorne Properties, landlord of SEEK’s global headquarters in Melbourne, has also committed to 100% renewable electricity for the base building from July 2024.

“Australia’s success in the energy transition is underpinned by the actions that we all can take. To have a company like SEEK take steps in Australia to create change is inspiring,” said Anthony Garnaut, CEO ZEN Energy.

Supply of renewable energy will commence with ZEN Energy from July 2024.


About SEEK

SEEK is a global leader in online employment marketplaces, helping people live more fulfilling and productive working lives and helping organisations succeed.

SEEK has an international presence that spans Australia, New Zealand, South-East Asia, Brazil and Mexico, and has minority investments in China, South Korea and a number of other countries.
SEEK’s platforms are used by approximately 60 million candidates worldwide, we have relationships with over 450,000 hirers and exposure to around 900 million people.

For more information on SEEK’s sustainability approach, visit SEEK’s Sustainability page.

ZEN welcomes ISPT’s QLD sites to the 100% renewable electricity club.


4 December 2023

ZEN Energy, Australia’s first 1.5° energy company, has today confirmed it will partner with ISPT, one of Australia’s leading property fund managers, to power some of Queensland’s iconic shopping centres, along with other ISPT properties, with 100% renewable energy from 2025. 

14 retail, office, and industrial sites, including Brisbane’s Central Plaza and Wintergarden shopping centre, will be supplied by clean energy from the Bluegrass Solar Farm in Chinchilla as part of the 6-year partnership. 

The properties are located across Brisbane, Ipswich and the Sunshine and Gold Coasts and, once the contract commences, ISPT’s carbon output will be reduced by 14,630 tonnes of CO2 per year. This is the equivalent of planting 241,908 seedlings every year and allowing them to grow for 10 years.  

“Partnering with like-minded organisations who are committed to taking the necessary steps to limit global warming is what we do. ISPT is backed by some of Australia’s largest industry super funds, has a formidable ESG program and is on track to be carbon positive by 2025,” said Anthony Garnaut, CEO of ZEN Energy.

“We are pleased to be partnering with a quality energy retailer like ZEN Energy to supply renewable energy to our Queensland properties, building on similar power purchasing agreements that we have in place in Victoria, NSW and the ACT,” said Steven Peters, Chief Sustainability Officer, ISPT. 

“When the agreement commences, 90% of the electricity needs across our entire portfolio will come from renewables – putting us close to achieving our goal of being 100% powered by renewables by 2025,” Mr Peters continued. 

ISPT is committed to responsible investing to create long-term, sustainable value for the future, and has been carbon neutral across both their property and corporate operations since 2020, the first property company in Australia to reach this milestone. Switching their sites to 100% renewable electricity in order to reduce carbon emissions is a large part of that journey. 

ZEN is looking forward to the opportunity to help deliver on this commitment as ISPT increases their use of renewable electricity for their base building services, as well as to supplying ISPT’s tenants with renewable energy.  

The sites that will be powered by 100% renewable electricity include: 

155 Queen Street, 19th Avenue Shopping Centre, Barracks at Metroplex, Bracken Ridge Plaza, Caloundra Village, Central Plaza One, Coolum Village, Deeragun Village, Green Square North Tower, Mango Hill Market Place, Nundah Village, Silkstone Village, Thuringowa Village and Wintergarden Shopping Centre. 


ISPT is one of Australia’s largest unlisted property fund managers, with over $21.5 billion in funds under management. With a focus on delivering sustainable, long-term returns, ISPT manages a diverse portfolio of property assets across various sectors, including retail, office, industrial, education, health, and life sciences. The company’s market-leading environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach ensures responsible and sustainable practices across its portfolio. 

Nov 27, 2023.

All you need to know about Australia’s most purpose-driven business conference.

ZEN was delighted to sponsor the Purpose Conference for the first time earlier this month. Held in Sydney at the beautiful Carriageworks Art Centre in Eveleigh, we were heralded with inspired ideas and inspirational speakers on engaging with the new world economy.

Since 2015, Purpose has explored and amplified the growing momentum of ethical, regenerative and socially impactful business.

Highlights from the event.

We are Warriors

Indigenous musician and host of Triple J’s ‘Blak Out’, Nooky focused on the value in inspiring youth through the way that we show up. His story, told with inimitable chutzpah, was deeply moving – a timely reminder of how far we have come as well as how far we have to go with Indigenous engagement. Nooky’s story of meeting his business partner and wondering if it was ‘just another guy who wanted a smoking ceremony for his office’, was very funny but also motivated us to reflect on how much deeper we need to take our relationship with Indigenous communities.

We are Warriors’ catch cry of ‘See it. Be It.’ It is a challenge on the value of role models as well as the engagement and inspiration that the creative arts can provide.

Indigenous Designed Finance – Regenerative Finance.

Paul Girrawah House and Chris Andrew from the Waluwin Foundation provided insight into the way that we farm in Australia and how banks traditionally finance in this sector. The poignant words ‘We farm the way we finance’ highlighted the degradation that we can impose on our precious land through the pursuit of profits to meet the burden of debt; as opposed to working the land with respect to the weather cycles and mother nature. The team is working with Emeritus Professor Bruce Chapman to design a new economy focused financing model to enable our land to flourish.

Lee Schofield – Future for Now.

Lee gave us some fascinating insight into the world of generative AI. Quoting Yoval Noah Harari:

“In a political battle for minds and hearts, intimacy is the most efficient weapon, and AI has just gained the ability to mass-produce intimate relationships with millions of people.”

Lee reminded us that we are moving away from the attention economy and into the intimacy economy. She introduced us to the frontier conversational AI – Pi.Ai and noted that she loves to brainstorm with Pi.

She also took us through the 28 AIs (now in Beta) that have been launched by Meta. While silently chuckling at the ‘celebrities’ who have allowed Meta to use their face – deeper questions are at play. When this AI steps out of beta, up to 3.88B subscribers to Meta platforms will be able to have their own AI character.  What does this do for engagement with your firm?  Do these characters count as people if they are ‘owned’ and managed by people? How do you know who you are dealing with on social media?

This is another way that TRUTH will be tested across the globe.

The best tip – which we have embraced – from Lee was to use PerpexityAI instead of Chat GPT – because Perplexity actually provides its references. The truth is out there.

Desiree Fixler, Whistleblower and ESG Expert.

Desiree delivered an incredible keynote about her journey to blowing the whistle on Deutsche Bank Asset Management’s false ESG claims. Her actions resulted in a series of investigations, fines and a global re-focus on how organisations report on ESG. She highlighted that the firm’s risk assessment tool was not good enough, that they were making claims like ‘ESG is at the heart of everything that we do’ and ‘in our corporate DNA’, reminding us of the need for excellent governance and risk frameworks in this space.

Desiree noted that close to €200B of European funds have been reclassified from ‘dark green’ products to ‘light green’ as a result of her actions. A brave woman who took on a great deal of personal risk to highlight these issues.

There is a big lesson for us all here. Next economy governance is about culture and structure. And building a defensible narrative.

Dr Toby Parkes – Rhizocore

Dr Parkes introduced us to Mycorrhizal networks. Using our new friend, Perplexity AI – we note that:

A mycorrhizal network, is an underground network found in forests and other plant communities, created by the hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi joining with plant roots. This network connects individual plants together, allowing for the exchange of nutrients, signalling compounds, and infochemicals between connected plants.

Dr Parkes informed us that 13.2Gt of carbon passes through mycorrhizal networks annually and that they offer 60% greater absorption than non-mycorrhizal trees, they grow 20-50% faster and 25-60% of carbon is transferred into the fungal biomass and roots.

He made a super interesting comparison of traditional carbon capture and storage where carbon is captured, transported along pipes, and stored in old sinks that have previously been used for activities like mining. He noted that trees with mycorrhizal networks can capture carbon, the roots of these trees can transport the carbon (replacing pipes) and the soil becomes the store. World Soil Day is on December 5 and feels like a good time to contemplate the ability of soil to create a carbon sink!

Rhizocore is building a gene bank of fungal species based on their ecological traits that link them to forest productivity. They are preserving the gene bank and treating it like the valuable biological asset that it is. They are then capturing data on the growth stimulation of the trees that they inoculate with the genes to determine the best strains. Using advanced liquid fermentation techniques, they can grow the fungal mycelium at scale and pelletise them for distribution.

Dr Parkes highlighted that there are multiple benefits of this technology spanning forest health, water health and human health (through potential pharmaceutical discoveries). Mushrooms are certainly the new gold.

MCi Carbon – Sophia Hamblin Wang.

Sophia introduced us to the amazing work that the team at MCi Carbon has done developing a technology that safely captures and converts industrial CO2 emissions into solid bulk materials that can be used in new low-carbon products for construction, manufacturing, and consumer markets, ultimately enabling the circular economy.

The team won the #1 CleanTech’ at COP26’s Clean Energy Start-up Pitch Battle in Glasgow. There were 2700 global solutions pitched in that battle! In a great example of a public private partnership, MCi Carbon was formed through collaboration with the University of Newcastle and Orica.

Sophia introduced us to ‘Myrtle’, their second plant which will be built in Newcastle, NSW. When Myrtle is complete, she will be the world’s first multi-purpose carbon plant. MCi Carbon will be able to take any source of CO2 emissions and mineral-based feedstock and react them together to create new construction materials.



Insights from the AFR Energy & Climate Summit 2023.

Oct 16, 2023.

Held over two days, the theme of this year’s Australian Financial Review Energy & Climate Summit was ‘Crunch time for the transition”.

The Australian Financial Review Energy & Climate Summit is the nation’s leading platform that features political leaders, regulators, energy producers, disruptors, and industry insiders to address the questions, challenges and opportunities of Australia’s transformation to renewable energy towards a net-zero economy.

Here are some of the key headlines from the summit:

  • Regulators, producers, and users all agreed the country’s energy transition has fallen well behind the national target of 82 per cent renewables by 2030, which underpins the federal government’s legislated 43 per cent emissions reduction commitment.
  • Businesses and governments reinforced that community support and earning a social licence remain critical to project success. There was also agreement all can do better, including addressing the ‘power imbalance’ that communities experience.
  • The federal government will set a 2025 emissions reduction target, most likely during the 12 months leading up to a 2025 federal election. The deadline for the target is Feb 2025.
  • Community energy resources are an untapped solution to realising the renewable transition: as much as 20GW of household generation could help secure the grid.
  • Long-duration storage was repeatedly raised, and the director-general of Queensland’s Department of Public Works and Energy said “batteries would be more than double the cost of pumped hydro to achieve its storage goal”.
  • Nuclear energy continues to split business and politics. Many said it should remain on the list of options, but nearly all agree it should not be at the expense of renewables.
  • NSW, Vic, and federal governments agree: Putting new transmission lines underground would be prohibitively expensive ‘in most cases’.
  • A carbon tax would boost chances of reaching 2030 targets: There’s an economy-wide revenue-neutral carbon tax-sized hole in Australia’s climate plans.

They had their say.

“When the next generation looks back in 25 years’ time, I hope they’ll see we collectively rose to the challenge and created an energy system fit for Australia’s net-zero future.”

– No coal fired power station has been built since 2009 and no more will.

– 2022 ISP found that Step-Change was the most likely pace of change.

– Green hydrogen industry key to becoming export superpower.

– Announced ARENA is opening the first stage of the Hydrogen Headstart program through a two-stage, competitive process: initial Expression of Interest Stage open until 10 November 2023.

– Underground transmission would be prohibitively expensive “in most cases”.

– Hume Link: 50% of landholder agreements now secured.

  • Anna Collyer, CEO of AEMC, championed the role of CER in the transition.
  • Clare Savage from the AER maintained a focus on the threats/risks to affordability for consumers because of the pace to get to scale in the transition.

– A new definition for critical minerals is on its way next year, and could include coking coal, bauxite, iron ore, as well as copper and nickel on the list.

– Focused on critical mineral projects and emphasised that improvements in approvals is needed.


ZEN continues to say YES.

October 16, 2023.

A letter by Anthony Garnaut, ZEN CEO.

Dear all,

While a clear majority of Australians said no at Saturday’s Referendum, ZEN continues to say Yes.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is clear and ZEN’s commitment remains firm. We will amplify our decision to be a voice for strong relationships, respect and opportunities. We will step up our plans to give the First Peoples of Australia a voice in our work.

ZEN is sorry for the hurt that the 80 plus per cent of First Nations People who supported a Yes vote are no doubt feeling now. That a majority of the rest of us could not support recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Peoples as the country’s first people in the Constitution is deeply disappointing.

We remain, however, positive about the future as our journey with Australia’s First Peoples continues uninterrupted by the referendum result.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan is the map we are using to walk and find our way with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and strengthen relationships. It is worth including here what our RAP says:

“Our vision for reconciliation is to create an environment that acknowledges and respects the rich and sustained cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The journey we must walk together is grounded in social justice, engagement, and respect. We aspire to a future where our First Peoples feel valued, supported and have a strong and clear voice on all issues that affect their peoples, communities and nations.”

Let’s keep looking after each other and everyone around us as well.



Read more about our journey to meaningful reconciliation with Australia’s indigenous people.

ZEN says YES.


27 September 2023

ZEN Energy says Yes to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice and the full implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. 

It is important and consistent with our purpose and values that ZEN takes this position. 

Australia’s Constitution is 122 years old and still does not recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the first peoples of this continent.  

The Voice is an act of recognition of the first peoples of this land we share, giving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people a say over the things that affect them. 

Listening to First Nations peoples can help drive better and fairer outcomes for individuals, families and communities: for health, housing, and more. And drive better outcomes for all Australians, including our cultural heritage, the wellbeing of our communities, and for the health of our unique landscapes. 

In 2023, ZEN launched its inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Our RAP is guiding an ongoing process of education, of Truth Telling and learning for our people. Our vision for Reconciliation is a united one, where we come together and embrace opportunities to learn, to grow and transform, and heal together as a nation. We see the Voice as a vital step in this process.  

ZEN acknowledges that First Nations peoples of Australia hold unique knowledge and rights inherited from their ancestors and the land. We recognise that sovereignty was never ceded, that colonisation was unjust and often violent, and that history casts a long shadow over First Nations peoples today. 

Rightful recognition of, and genuine reconciliation with, First Nations peoples is crucial to meaningful action on climate change, as well as the care and protection of our unique nature and landscapes. 

Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) is a widely recognised and studied Indigenous science of humanity’s relationship with the natural world – one that exists in some form or other across more than 5,000 Indigenous cultures. 

TEK is a cultural belief system, a way of knowing, through engaging with the natural environment, weather systems, the power of plants, migrations of animals and lifecycles: gathering data, testing hypotheses, and communicating through many forms and across generations. Everything is interconnected, a collaborative eco-system.  

As the first scientists and environmentalists, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have looked after Country since time immemorial. But for too long, we have refused to hear or take up their advice. When we listen to each other, share our knowledge and work together, we all benefit. 

Some First Nations advocates do not think the proposal will create sufficient change. ZEN agrees that change needs to be much bigger than this – and we see a representative body as a step in the right direction, moving us towards bigger change. 

There are two key steps in this process. First, we vote – on October 14. Second, First Nations communities will get to make sure the model is truly representative. 

The Voice will empower First Nations communities to have a say in their own destiny. And it will be a joyful moment for all Australians to recognise and respect Australia’s First Peoples.  

ZEN supports the collective call from First Nations peoples for Voice, Treaty and Truth. 

ZEN says Yes. 



Read more about our journey to meaningful reconciliation with Australia’s indigenous people.