Insights from the AFR Energy & Climate Summit 2023.

Oct 16, 2023.

Held over two days, the theme of this year’s Australian Financial Review Energy & Climate Summit was ‘Crunch time for the transition”.

The Australian Financial Review Energy & Climate Summit is the nation’s leading platform that features political leaders, regulators, energy producers, disruptors, and industry insiders to address the questions, challenges and opportunities of Australia’s transformation to renewable energy towards a net-zero economy.

Here are some of the key headlines from the summit:

  • Regulators, producers, and users all agreed the country’s energy transition has fallen well behind the national target of 82 per cent renewables by 2030, which underpins the federal government’s legislated 43 per cent emissions reduction commitment.
  • Businesses and governments reinforced that community support and earning a social licence remain critical to project success. There was also agreement all can do better, including addressing the ‘power imbalance’ that communities experience.
  • The federal government will set a 2025 emissions reduction target, most likely during the 12 months leading up to a 2025 federal election. The deadline for the target is Feb 2025.
  • Community energy resources are an untapped solution to realising the renewable transition: as much as 20GW of household generation could help secure the grid.
  • Long-duration storage was repeatedly raised, and the director-general of Queensland’s Department of Public Works and Energy said “batteries would be more than double the cost of pumped hydro to achieve its storage goal”.
  • Nuclear energy continues to split business and politics. Many said it should remain on the list of options, but nearly all agree it should not be at the expense of renewables.
  • NSW, Vic, and federal governments agree: Putting new transmission lines underground would be prohibitively expensive ‘in most cases’.
  • A carbon tax would boost chances of reaching 2030 targets: There’s an economy-wide revenue-neutral carbon tax-sized hole in Australia’s climate plans.

They had their say tag

Daniel Westerman, CEO of AEMO.

“When the next generation looks back in 25 years’ time, I hope they’ll see we collectively rose to the challenge and created an energy system fit for Australia’s net-zero future.”

Full AFR 2023 speech.

Chris Bowen, Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy.

  • No coal fired power station has been built since 2009 and no more will.
  • 2022 ISP found that Step-Change was the most likely pace of change.
  • Green hydrogen industry key to becoming export superpower.
  • Announced ARENA is opening the first stage of the Hydrogen Headstart program through a two-stage, competitive process: initial Expression of Interest Stage open until 10 November 2023.
  • Underground transmission would be prohibitively expensive “in most cases”.
  • Hume Link: 50% of landholder agreements now secured.

Full AFR 2023 speech.

Anna Collyer, CEO of AEMC, championed the role of CER in the transition.

Clare Savage from the AER maintained a focus on the threats/risks to affordability for consumers because of the pace to get to scale in the transition.

Madeleine King, Federal Minister for Resources.

  • A new definition for critical minerals is on its way next year, and could include coking coal, bauxite, iron ore, as well as copper and nickel on the list.
  • Focused on critical mineral projects and emphasised that improvements in approvals is needed.

Full AFR 2023 speech.

Ted O’Brien, Opposition spokesperson for Climate and Energy.

Full AFR 2023 speech.


ZEN continues to say YES.

October 16, 2023.

A letter by Anthony Garnaut,  ZEN CEO.

Dear all,

While a clear majority of Australians said no at Saturday’s Referendum, ZEN continues to say Yes.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is clear and ZEN’s commitment remains firm. We will amplify our decision to be a voice for strong relationships, respect and opportunities. We will step up our plans to give the First Peoples of Australia a voice in our work.

ZEN is sorry for the hurt that the 80 plus per cent of First Nations People who supported a Yes vote are no doubt feeling now. That a majority of the rest of us could not support recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Peoples as the country’s first people in the Constitution is deeply disappointing.

We remain, however, positive about the future as our journey with Australia’s First Peoples continues uninterrupted by the referendum result.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan is the map we are using to walk and find our way with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and strengthen relationships. It is worth including here what our RAP says:

“Our vision for reconciliation is to create an environment that acknowledges and respects the rich and sustained cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The journey we must walk together is grounded in social justice, engagement, and respect. We aspire to a future where our First Peoples feel valued, supported and have a strong and clear voice on all issues that affect their peoples, communities and nations.”

Let’s keep looking after each other and everyone around us as well.



Read more about our journey to meaningful reconciliation with Australia’s indigenous people.

ZEN says YES.


27 September 2023

ZEN Energy says Yes to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice and the full implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. 

It is important and consistent with our purpose and values that ZEN takes this position. 

Australia’s Constitution is 122 years old and still does not recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the first peoples of this continent.  

The Voice is an act of recognition of the first peoples of this land we share, giving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people a say over the things that affect them. 

Listening to First Nations peoples can help drive better and fairer outcomes for individuals, families and communities: for health, housing, and more. And drive better outcomes for all Australians, including our cultural heritage, the wellbeing of our communities, and for the health of our unique landscapes. 

In 2023, ZEN launched its inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Our RAP is guiding an ongoing process of education, of Truth Telling and learning for our people. Our vision for Reconciliation is a united one, where we come together and embrace opportunities to learn, to grow and transform, and heal together as a nation. We see the Voice as a vital step in this process.  

ZEN acknowledges that First Nations peoples of Australia hold unique knowledge and rights inherited from their ancestors and the land. We recognise that sovereignty was never ceded, that colonisation was unjust and often violent, and that history casts a long shadow over First Nations peoples today. 

Rightful recognition of, and genuine reconciliation with, First Nations peoples is crucial to meaningful action on climate change, as well as the care and protection of our unique nature and landscapes. 

Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) is a widely recognised and studied Indigenous science of humanity’s relationship with the natural world – one that exists in some form or other across more than 5,000 Indigenous cultures. 

TEK is a cultural belief system, a way of knowing, through engaging with the natural environment, weather systems, the power of plants, migrations of animals and lifecycles: gathering data, testing hypotheses, and communicating through many forms and across generations. Everything is interconnected, a collaborative eco-system.  

As the first scientists and environmentalists, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have looked after Country since time immemorial. But for too long, we have refused to hear or take up their advice. When we listen to each other, share our knowledge and work together, we all benefit. 

Some First Nations advocates do not think the proposal will create sufficient change. ZEN agrees that change needs to be much bigger than this – and we see a representative body as a step in the right direction, moving us towards bigger change. 

There are two key steps in this process. First, we vote – on October 14. Second, First Nations communities will get to make sure the model is truly representative. 

The Voice will empower First Nations communities to have a say in their own destiny. And it will be a joyful moment for all Australians to recognise and respect Australia’s First Peoples.  

ZEN supports the collective call from First Nations peoples for Voice, Treaty and Truth. 

ZEN says Yes. 



Read more about our journey to meaningful reconciliation with Australia’s indigenous people.

ZEN secures $54M in first tranche of capital raise.


13 September 2023

Australia’s first 1.5° Energy Company secures $54M in first tranche of capital raise.

Australian owned and operated ZEN Energy is on track to raise $150 million in capital to support its ambitious renewable energy strategy, with a first tranche of $54 million secured.

Tranche A has closed at $54M with Western Australian based Hesperia, a B Corporation accredited developer and manager of sustainable projects, and ASX listed, Income Asset Management (IAM). Tranche A more than doubles any successful capital raise ZEN has transacted in the last three years and is a demonstration of capital investors’ growing confidence in ZEN’s 1.5-degree focused business model. ZEN is expecting the whole facility to reach $150M upon completion.

“Hesperia is pleased to partner with ZEN, given the strong alignment of our ethos and ambitions in providing leadership through the energy transition. ZEN’s unique business model of matching sustainability-driven customers with long-term renewable storage and generation contracts has had great success since 2020, with earnings growth exceeding 50% CAGR. We look forward to furthering our initiatives in renewable energy and supporting ZEN with its future growth plans,” said Adrian Fini, Director of Hesperia.

“IAM contributed an initial raising of $20M of Tranche A. We were impressed with ZEN’s approach to Australia’s energy transition, its significant commercial and government customer pipeline and its plans for ongoing growth. ZEN is one of the clear leaders in the renewable energy industry and generated a significant EBITDA result in FY23,” said IAM’s CEO, Jon Lechte.

“This capital will enable us to continue to accelerate our growth plans across Australia. Our business model is robust, and we are excited to attract so many new investors especially those from the West, who are keen to take their part in the energy transition,” said ZEN’s CEO Anthony Garnaut.

ZEN is raising capital to fund the next phase of growth. This is characterised by scaling its current profitable business model as well as laying the foundation for the business to develop and own physical renewable and storage assets and grow into a leading energy retailer.

“With this injection of capital, ZEN plans to bring on more renewable energy and storage into our portfolio, including from assets that we are developing. This will enable us to scale our partnerships with existing and new sustainability driven customers to accelerate their path to 100% renewable,” added Anthony.

ZEN has become a signatory to the global Equal by 30 initiative.


30 August 2023

Australia’s first 1.5° Energy Company signs up to Global Equal by 30 Initiative.

ZEN Energy announced today that it has become a signatory to the global Equal by 30 initiative. Equal by 30 is a public commitment by public and private sector organisations to work towards equal pay, leadership and opportunities for women in the clean energy sector by 2030.

“ZEN is the first Australian headquartered energy retailer to become a signatory to this important global program,” said ZEN Non-Executive Director and Chair of ZEN-A, Paula Conboy. “As Chair of ZEN-A, ZEN’s female engagement network, I am proud of the work that the team has done to get us to this point.”

“We are building an organisation where women take a key role across our business. ZEN-A was launched in January this year, and already, we have signed up to this important program joining fellow signatories the Australian government and the Clean Energy Council.”

As a signatory, ZEN has expanded on the required private company principles to include goals to reach full gender balance by 2030, revising its parental policy to industry best practice and expanding female representation at the leadership level.

“We are delighted that ZEN has become a signatory,” said Nicola Falcon, 2023 Equality Initiative Ambassador for the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. “We must continue to inspire the next generation of women leaders in Australia’s clean energy industry on our journey to transforming the energy sector and achieving net zero.”

“ZEN has a deeply engaged team with our recent engagement score of 89% being 19% above our industry average. Key to keeping our team engaged is deepening our commitment across the full range of ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) areas including gender equality,” added Anthony Garnaut, ZEN Energy CEO.

ZEN-A was formed to give women a place to discuss issues relevant to them, to be leaders and to provide a framework for equality within ZEN. Žena is the word for woman across a number of Slavic countries.


21 July 2023

ZEN Energy has announced its intent to make Green Iron and Green Iron co-product manufacturing real in Australia. ZEN’s Green Iron Initiative will enable a successful, commercial scale green iron plant in Australia, with an initial focus on South Australia, on an early timetable.

“ZEN’s team is identifying the best green iron process solutions for Australia. We are seeking, through targeted partnerships, to help supply the renewable electricity, green hydrogen, materials, process and site requirements for the earliest successful green iron plant development”, said ZEN CEO, Anthony Garnaut. “Preferred sites in South Australia and in Western Australia have been identified, with access to renewable power at globally competitive rates, as well as transport, utilities and feed materials”.

Last year, the global steel industry produced close to 2 billion tonnes of steel, releasing over 3.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, about 9 percent of global emissions. Most of these emissions are released during the ironmaking stage.

Australia contributes approximately 28% of the iron ore and 6% of the metallurgical coal used in world steel production. Most major steel producers have committed to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 or sooner. “Within this changing landscape, Australia is well placed to be a leading producer of green iron at the scale needed to support a globally competitive, low emission business ecosystem”, added Garnaut.

The critical, immediate requirement to enable the production of green iron and co-products is the reliable supply of substantial amounts of renewable electricity, which is used to create green hydrogen as the primary reduction agent in place of fossil fuel sourced agents, as well as for direct use in the process. ZEN has the expertise to develop staged solutions for firmed renewable energy supply that meets the requirements and timelines for this project.

“We have established networks with operating renewable assets, as well as critical stakeholders across the globe needed for renewable asset development. ZEN has already executed innovative agreements, enabling us to optimise renewable assets performance within Australia”.

ZEN is actively exploring many potential approaches as part of the Green Iron Initiative. These include process options at different levels of technology readiness, that vary in the absolute through-process carbon mitigation potential. These options differ also in the inputs and feed material types and grades, as well as the process efficiency, output rate and form of products made.

While the Green Iron Initiative is technology agnostic – it is not yet clear what are the most efficient pathways to produce green iron at scale – ZEN is currently evaluating a novel green iron process route, incorporating renewable electricity and green hydrogen in an electric smelting furnace step, using a variety of potential Australian sourced ferrous feeds. Theoretical process design calculations have been performed and are being validated through pilot scale test work and an intellectual property application has been lodged. This work is being undertaken by ZEN and builds on a collaboration between Mr. Wang Jun (with more than 40 years steelmaking experience) and Mr. John Tsalapatis (General Manager of ZEN’s Green Iron Initiative, who has over 35 years of ironmaking experience), and metallurgical research conducted by a pre-eminent research institution.