- PACE is ZEN’s online energy procurement platform to allow large electricity customer to strategically purchase energy.
- Rather than purchasing fixed-rate electricity at a single point in time, progressive pricing adopts a flexible approach that allows for more transparent and adaptable energy procurement.
- Energy purchases are conducted at different times and at varying prices, depending on market conditions, throughout the duration of the contract period.

- Progressive purchasing adapts to changing market conditions and takes advantage of opportunities for cost-effective procurement as wholesale electricity prices change.
- Allows for the acquisition of parcels as small as 5% of the contracted volume for each period, enabling energy purchasing decisions to be made independently.
- Final prices are calculated once 100% of the contract volume is purchased for the period.

- Procure your necessary energy through ZEN’s PACE portal.
- Explore ZEN’s pricing to make informed decisions.
- Review your energy cost breakdown and maintain purchase history, all conveniently accessible in one place.
- Receive reminders and notifications from PACE to stay up-to-date.

PACE stands for Progressive Acquisition Of Energy.
Electricity supply is a major contributor to the emissions profile of many organisations. This Scope 2 source of emissions is constantly and accurately recorded as part of the regular business operations of our customers as well as wholesale market settlements.
Electricity is procured for customers from the aggregated wholesale pool and so attracts the average emissions intensity for the grid region (using the National Greenhouse Account Factors approved method).
Large scale renewable energy generators create one Large-Scale Generation Certificate (LGC) for every Megawatt hour (MWh) of energy exported. A 100% renewable energy contract is structured by matching one LGC to every MWh of energy consumed, inclusive of mandatory LGC obligations. This meets the highest reporting standards of Climate Active, RE100 and Science Based Targets.
The future is no longer a choice between a growing economy and a cleaner planet. Our customers’ survival depends on both.
- We deliver for our customers
- We openly share our knowledge
- Our solutions must be competitive
- We offer choice and are not single minded
- Our supply chain is innovative and sustainable
- We promote global best practice across our business
- We work to change the Australian energy market, for the better.
ZEN Energy has offtake agreements with some of Australia’s premier renewable energy projects. We are committed to only generating renewable electricity through the off-take agreements we sign.